

Hören Sie rein: Mario Timpanaro, der Fonds Manager hinter dem Lumen-Vietnam-Fonds von AQUIS Capital, spricht über die Bedeutung der Diversifikation im heutigen Markt, die potenziellen Vorteile vietnamesischer Aktien in Zeiten geopolitischer Spannungen und die besonderen Merkmale seines Fonds. Er gibt zudem einen Ausblick auf die kommende Fonds-Dialog Roadshow in Österreich und teilt seine neuesten Erkenntnisse von einem Research-Trip nach Vietnam.

Click on the link for full information.

These factors promise superior growth 

In our newest market report, we present you the top 3 opportunity factors for Vietnam’s economy and an interview with fund manager Mario Timpanaro.

Click on the link for full information.

Die „Vietnams Bambus-Politik“, dem geschickten Balancieren zwischen völlig unterschiedlichen Handels-Partnern. Erlaubt dem Land jetzt von den geopolitischen Unsicherheiten, vor allem von der „China + 1“-Strategie, zu der sich viele westliche Unternehmen entschieden haben, zu profitieren.

Lesen Sie das Interview mit Mario Timpanaro zum Thema Vietnam:–1-strategie-gibt-unserem-vietnam-fonds-den-turbo/

Die H1 Akademie im Gespräch mit Mario Timpanaro, Fondsmanager des Lumen Vietnam Fonds.

Tauchen Sie ein in eine spannende 30-minütige Unterhaltung. Mario Timpanaro gibt der H1 Akademie mit Thomas Polach Einblicke, in die neuesten Entwicklungen auf dem vietnamesischen Aktienmarkt.

Verpassen Sie nicht die Gelegenheit, Ihr Verständnis für den Markt zu vertiefen und wertvolle Einblicke von einem Experten dieser Branche zu gewinnen. Das vollständige Video-Interview steht Ihnen auf YouTube zur Verfügung.

Dive into the dynamics of Vietnam’s economic growth in our recent article, “How Vietnam Benefits from Deglobalisation and an upgrade into the MSCI Emerging Markets” by AQUIS Capital. Explore topics like Vietnam’s 8% GDP growth, strategic positioning, and the potential MSCI upgrade.

Explore the keys to Vietnam’s economic triumph and the investment opportunities it brings at:

“Flughäfen, Häfen, Straßen – eine rasante Entwicklung!” 

Tauchen Sie ein in das oft übersehene Potenzial Vietnams! Begleiten Sie uns zu einem spannenden Interview mit Mario Timpanaro von AQUIS Capital und Portfoliomanager des Lumen Vietnam Fund.

Mit seinen fundierten Kenntnissen der asiatischen Märkte, insbesondere Vietnams, gibt Mario Timpanaro Einblicke in die Attraktivität des Marktes, die florierenden Industrien und die wichtigsten Risiken für Investoren.

Lassen Sie sich diese Gelegenheit nicht entgehen! Tauchen Sie hier in das Private Banking Magazin Interview ein und erhalten Sie einen Einblick in die dynamische Landschaft Vietnams.

Vietnam: The Grand Re-opening.
Vietnam is attracting great interest from international investors – and for good reasons, says AQUIS Capital, Fund Manager and Director Mario Timpanaro. Click on the link for full information

Anstatt Anzug im Ao Dai. Mario Timpanaro, Fondsmanager des Lumen Vietnam Fund im traditionellen Vietnamesischem Ao Dai am Video-Interview mit Malte Dreher am private banking kongress in München. Mario beleuchtet Vietnams aufregende Investmentchancen, einschließlich des bevorstehenden Übergangs zum MSCI Emerging Market Index und der Auswirkungen von Chinas “Zero-COVID-Politik”. Vielen Dank an private banking kongress Team für den tollen Anlass und die Organisation. Für weitere Informationen klicken Sie auf den Link unten.

The reopening of China will generate new momentum in Asia. One of the beneficiaries of this development is Vietnam. In our opinion, the tourism and consumer sectors will benefit the most. This is in line with our China Plus One strategy, which we have been highlighting for a few months. These are just some of the driving factors for ongoing Vietnam’s growth story. Click on the link for full information.

We are pleased to invite you to the Lumen Vietnam Fund Zoom Webinar”  with the topic: Lumen Vietnam: Looking Ahead 2023 and Beyond” moderated by Mario Timpanaro, Fund Manager of AQUIS Capital and Nguyen Thi Nga, Head of Portfolio Advisory of VietNam Holding Asset Management, taking place on Thursday, 8th June 2023  for the sections in English and in German. Click on the link for full information.

Lumen Vietnam successfully kicked off their presence in the Middle East.
We proudly participated in the INDEPENDENT WEALTH MANAGEMENT FORUM in Dubai. If you’re in Dubai or Abu Dhabi too and would like to meet us by March 28th, please shout out to Nataliya Shybanova or Mario Timpanaro and we will be happy to chat with you.

“Private Banking Magazin talks in their first issue of 2023 about Lumen Vietnam Fund – the tiger in your portfolio.

Private Banking Magazin knows that they exist: the funds whose managers stand out from the crowd. Finding them is time-consuming and requires know-how. A job for fund analysts as 2022 served investors a toxic cocktail of inflation, interest rate increases, fears of recession and geopolitical uncertainties. Investments outside mainstream offer good entry opportunities including topics of regions that are still under the radar of many investors, despite attractive prospects. In the past few months, we have been made aware of Vietnam. Reason enough to take a close look at the country on the Mekong”. Click on the link for full information.

Vietnam: the big reopening. Vietnam is attracting great interest from international investors. We summarized some important reasons for this in our German article for the Netfonds platform”. Click on the link for full information.

We are pleased to invite you to the Lumen Vietnam Fund Zoom Webinar” moderated by Mario Timpanaro, Fund Manager of AQUIS Capital and Luong Cong Minh, Head of Research of VietNam Holding Asset Management, taking place on Thursday, 17th November 2022  for the section in English and Friday, 18th November 2022 for the section in German with the topic:Lumen Vietnam Fund: Outlook for 2023 and Beyond”. Click on the link for full information.

We are proud the share our latest interview with private banking magazin. Our fund manager Mario Timpanaro answers to all current important questions regarding Vietnam and our Lumen Vietnam FundClick on the link for the full article.

«Investing in Growth & Seeking Value in one of Asia’s Most Dynamic Economies – Vietnam”.
On April 28, Hubbis held a virtual thought leadership event that focused on the rise of investment opportunities in Vietnam. Partnering Hubbis for the event was sole sponsor AQUIS Capital from Zurich. Click on the link for the full article.



We are happy to inform you that our Lumen Vietnam Fund is celebrating its 10th year Anniversary.
We are proud of this achievement and are excited for the future milestones.
A big thanks to our investors for believing in us, our team’s dedication that has made this company thrive and our business partners who supported us during these amazing 10 years.

«Latest interview of Fund Manager Mario Timpanaro with fundplat”. Click on the link for the full article.

Our team proudly shares the Lumen Vietnam Fund – No 1. in Germany as the best performing fund by Citywire. Click on the link for the full article.

“Our team is proud to share the LVF is placed 8th as the best performing fund by Das Investment, click on the following link for more details” Die 15 besten Fonds des Jahres 2021 (

“Vietnam benefits from
uncertainty around China.”
Mario Timpanaro, Manager of Lumen Vietnam Fund, believes the Southeast Asian country is only at the beginning of a prolonged catch-up process. Click on the link for the full article.
